1st Enrty- I have had a wonderful day today! Willy brought home a whopping 115 dollars today! That means that we will have plenty of money this month. He was in such a good mood that he brought me home some new stockings! Today has been great because I got to go see Biff play football and his team won. Did I tell you that he is captain of the football team? We are so proud of him. We are so proud of both of our sons. Happy has been doing great as well and I have noticed he is losing some weight.
2nd Entry- The closer Biff is from home, the worse Willy is with his sleeptalking. I just wish that they would both get along because then Willy wouldn't keep having these problems. Willy is falling apart and I am having trouble comforting him and helping him. I just want him to be happy so my family can be happy. He used to be a good man but now is struggling with himself personally. His business hasnt been doing well and that is destroying him. Our boys have also been the problem as to why Willy has been this way. If only my boys would make something of themselves! Hopefully I can get Biff to try and talk to Willy.