Monday, February 11, 2013

Howl Imitation

I see the minds of my generation full of narcissism and materialism

Those who are obsessed with good looks and making first impressions

Who believe that giving a certain image about themselves is most important.

A group of people that check their Facebook and Twitter every ten minutes to make sure they aren't missing anything that their fake friends have posted.

I see the minds of my generation that have to have the latest technology to make themselves feel happier and gain self esteem when someone "likes" their photoshopped pictures of themselves.

Who claim that quantity is better than quality and that vulgarity is better than sincerity.

I see the minds of my generation slowly becoming somebody that they really aren't and not even realizing it.

Those minds are slowly becoming more materialistic the greater technology gets and they are not getting the face-to-face communication that everyone needs.

I see the minds of my generation thinking only about themselves and not thinking about the past generations or the future generations.

I want to see my generation care about others, to fully love people and have people love them back without the thought of fake images and material things.

Because truly, honestly, sincerely, loving people is most important.



  1. great imitation seems like you wrote from your mind and heart.

  2. One thing to note about Ginsberg's poem is the specificity of the image. Rather than working with abstraction, he tends to try to illustrate or give an example of the abstraction.
